How To Move From A Heartbreak

-- Fixing A Broken Heart is the best way to do to move on from break-ups and rejections.

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in face. You are able to say to yourself 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

You encountered this in life for you to learn and experience, so it might not happen again in your future relationships. This is normal for everyone for them to learn.

Here's the following steps you should do to help you move on.

1. Accept it.
You must accept the reality of your situation before you can move on. Without this, you can never ever move on.

2. Distance yourself.
Never contact him or see him, it will only make things worse unless you are over him. Also put away the things he gave you for you not to think of him.

3. Stop talking about him.
Make an effort to talk about something else, just talk any stuff to your friends or better let your friends talk instead.

4. Learn from it.
Don't blame yourself of him, just learn from the relationship. It's normal that you've learn from your past relationship.

5. Picture yourself over him.
Picture yourself over your ex. Feel the pride and accomplishment of having gotten over him and moved on.

Picture yourself looking and feeling fabulous, hanging out and laughing with your friends, meeting, talking to and maybe even flirting with other guys and just living life again.

6. Focus on you
Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to focus on you before beginning another relationship. Do something just for you and give yourself sometime to connect with you inner self.

7. Get out!
Get yourself out in the real work to socialize and possible meet new people. Meeting new people is the key to eventually meeting a new guy. You’ll also want to re-learn the art of flirting since you’ve been out of practice for awhile.

8. Take it nice and slow.
Just relax, go slow and enjoy yourself - but don’t play hard to get, either. Soon you’ll find that the men are approaching you. Also, take your time getting to know new people and don’t just jump into a relationship blindly.

9. Don't generalize and don't compare.
Not every guy is like the guy you dated and not every relationship will be like the one you just had. In fact, every guy and relationship is different.

Don’t expect the new guy in your life to be like your ex and don’t expect your new relationship to be similar to your previous relationship. Many women do this without even realizing it. Remember, the two of you broke up for a reason, so have an open mind.

10. Smile.
The best medicine ever is to smile. Just try to be happy and enjoy life to the fullest.

These tips should make it easier for you to move on with your life and find happiness again. The most important thing to remember after a break up is to stay positive. A positive attitude can provide strength when you’re trying to move on. Tell yourself that you can get over him and that you will get over him. You’ll be back to feeling like yourself again in no time.

try to watched this

I know you can relate if ever ^_^ (i can say its one of the best drama)

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